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Howden Life & Health

Complaints procedure

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Making a complaint

We try hard to ensure that you benefit from a caring and professional service but sometimes things do go wrong.

Please simply email your concerns or issue to customer.relations@howdenlifeandhealth.co.uk and our team will get back to as soon as they possibly can.

Our Promise to you

  • We will ensure that your complaint is handled by a competent member of staff who is independent of the complaint;
  • We will treat your complaint fairly
  • We will aim to resolve the complaint within 3 business days of receipt and will send you confirmation in writing that it has been resolved;
  • If we are unable to resolve the complaint within 3 business days then we will send you an acknowledgement letter promptly informing you of who is dealing with your complaint;
  • We will investigate your complaint and give you an answer as soon as possible and keep you informed of progress;
  • We will send you our decision (called a final response letter) within 8 weeks.
  • Once we have dealt with your complaint,we will go back and see what we can learn from your experience.

What can I expect from a final response letter?

A final response letter will provide you with details of the results of our investigation which will either be to:

  • Uphold your complaint, telling you why and what action we intend to carry out to put this right for you, or;
  • If we do not uphold your complaint we will explain why

What happens if I am not happy with your response to my complaint?

If you feel we’ve not considered all of your issues or you can provide further information, please let us know and we’ll be happy to review it. But if you’re unhappy with the outcome you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to carry out an independent review of your complaint. In any event, you have the right to ask them to review your complaint if we’ve been unable to resolve it within 8 weeks.

The Financial Ombudsman Service can be reached via http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/ or you can write to them at The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR.

Howden Life & Health, the new name for Assured Futures

On November 1st 2023, Assured Futures completed its merger with Howden. For Assured Futures clients, the service remains the same, via your usual contacts. Assured Futures phone numbers and email addresses will continue to work.

About the merger trending_flat
Howden Insurance